世界面临三大严峻挑战:气候紧急情况, 自然丧失和日益加剧的不平等. 的 COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated that these challenges are interconnected, 我们的系统对冲击准备不足. 随着全球风险不断累积, 正规博彩十大网站(World business Council for Sustainable 发展, WBCSD)制定了一项大胆而紧迫的转型议程,商界领袖们正在为此团结一致。, 一个由200多家领先公司组成的首席执行官领导的组织.
WBCSD成立于1995年, 作为企业应对正规博彩十大网站排名挑战的平台,这些挑战刚刚开始打破集体商业意识的表面.
将近三十年后, 当我们反思我们的传统和成就时, 紧迫性比以往任何时候都更加明显. We know that we need to ramp up our efforts to achieve our vision of a world where more than 9 billion people live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050.
我们的使命是加速向正规博彩十大网站排名的世界过渡,帮助更多正规博彩十大网站排名的企业取得成功, WBCSD和正规博彩十大网站排名在这一转变中发挥了重要作用.
现在人们都很清楚,企业的唯一责任不仅仅是赚钱:它还必须照顾好地球和地球上的人们. 的 巴黎协定 和 正规博彩十大网站排名目标 have provided two global frameworks that can help business make this transition, 但变化的速度仍然不够快.
WBCSD is driven by our desire to help companies lead, transform and succeed. 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 sets a shared vision of a world in which more than 9 billion people are able to live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050. 为了实现这一正规博彩十大网站, 我们需要大规模的转型, and business needs to focus its actions on the areas through which it can best lead the systems transformations.
《2050年正规博彩十大网站:变革的时代》描绘了系统如何变革,并为指导未来十年的业务行动制定了新的框架. At the heart of this framework are nine transformation pathways – actionable routes for companies to take – covering the areas of business activity that are essential to society: energy; transportation and mobility; living spaces; products and materials; financial products and services; connectivity; health and wellbeing; water and sanitation; and food.
正规博彩十大网站和转型路径与正规博彩十大网站排名目标和《正规博彩十大网站排名》的具体目标保持一致. Each of the nine transformation pathways contains ten action areas for the decade ahead, designed to help companies drive transformative change in their strategies, 商业运作和对社会的影响.
WBCSD是在领导和合作的火焰中锻造的, 这两种价值观至今仍在定义着这家公司.
In 1990, 莫里斯强, the Secretary-General of the United Nations conference on Environment and 发展 (UNCED), 是在寻找一位领袖,在正规博彩十大网站排名和环境问题的全球对话中注入商业的声音吗, 特别是在即将到来的1992年里约地球首脑会议上.
他责成斯蒂芬·施米德海尼承担责任, 挑战他在峰会前向世界商界领袖和公司传播正规博彩十大网站排名的概念.
一位瑞士商人, 施米德海尼知道,他成功的最佳机会是确保全球商业领袖成为这一概念的倡导者,而不仅仅是意识到这一点.
他从世界各地招募了48位首席执行官开始讨论, and in 1991 the "Business Council for Sustainable 发展" was born.
在他们第一次见面时, 首席执行官们同意坦率地说, it was crucial to establish a confidential and pre-competitive “safe space” for open discussions. 这种自由至今仍是该组织的试金石, 第一次对话的一个重要成果是达成了一项协议,即发表一份关于工商界如何适应并促进正规博彩十大网站排名的深入分析报告.
出版于1992年6月, 改变课程 是在里约地球峰会上提出的,并被誉为在环境和经济问题上形成商业观点的里程碑式的一步. 收集了50多家跨国公司领导人的专业知识,并以一系列展示现有最佳实践的案例研究为后盾, 改变课程 对商业界如何适应并为正规博彩十大网站排名的关键目标作出贡献进行了广泛的分析,正规博彩十大网站排名将环境保护和经济增长的目标结合起来.
在里约首脑会议取得成功之后, many of the members of the BCSD petitioned to continue their work. 与会者认为,具有前瞻性的企业在引领全球正规博彩十大网站排名方面可以发挥关键作用, 这是独立的, non-commercial organization such as the BCSD could help forge this path.
After two further years of work, Bjorn Stigson was appointed President of the BCSD in 1994. His first significant act was to merge the group with a similar business association, in order to unite and strengthen the leading business voice on sustainability.
On 1 January 1995 the Council merged with the World Industry Council for the Environment (WICE). This group had been created by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) after the Rio Summit and was based in Paris.
的 new 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) opened its secretariat in Geneva, 瑞士, 有120名成员致力于其使命.
在接下来的15年里, WBCSD members firmly established the organization as the global go-to voice on sustainable development in business.
With the momentum of multinational companies propelling it forward, WBCSD进行了出色的研究和趋势预测, collaborated on cutting-edge projects that delivered tangible impact for member companies, 并开始让该组织成为正规博彩十大网站排名议程商业影响的影响者和评论员.
WBCSD的结构是独立的, 非营利组织使该组织能够同时充当全球讨论的贡献者和促进者, 在当地, 国内和国际层面. 除了, 自成立以来,WBCSD一直致力于支持世界各国当地合作伙伴的发展,目前支持60多个全球网络合作伙伴的广泛网络. 的 breadth and depth of membership across different sectors brought with it a correspondingly diverse range of inputs.
这是当今世界文化与发展委员会工作的特点. WBCSD works not just with cross-sectoral member companies who are part of this unique network, 还有政府, 非政府组织, civil society and many other players in order to keep pushing the business voice of sustainability forward.
Its capacity to convene and unite diverse views has made it a critical driver in the area of harmonizing measuring, 报告和管理整个财务部门的正规博彩十大网站排名影响, 社会和自然资本. In this way, WBCSD’s work goes far beyond the membership of its nearly 200 companies.
Today, WBCSD is headed by President and CEO Peter Bakker, who joined in 2012. 这一年的特点是 里约热内卢+ 20会议, where WBCSD was part of 商业行动促进正规博彩十大网站排名 2012.
This was a coalition of business groups who provided a platform for exchanging policy recommendations, 将商业解决方案和伙伴关系作为会议筹备工作的一部分,以帮助推动正规博彩十大网站排名.
Since then the organization has built on the success of its approach through advocacy and collaboration, 最引人注目的是,通过开创性的低碳技术伙伴关系倡议,将商界的声音带入了2015年在巴黎举行的具有里程碑意义的COP21讨论, 在此后持续的全球讨论中.
从1991年的提高认识到今天的大规模行动, everyone at WBCSD is working to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.
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