WBCSD的“自然积极发展路线图”为公司提供了全面的循序渐进的“如何”指导,以采取可靠的措施, impactful nature action. 适用于所有业务和所有自然行动成熟度级别, 路线图可用于确定和改进雄心勃勃的战略, 投资和过渡计划与自然保持一致. By pro-actively managing nature-related risks, 公司可以为即将到来的政策和监管要求做好准备, 确定减少负面影响的优先行动, and unlock opportunities across the value chain.
WBCSD has developed foundational guidance for all businesses,以及优先系统和相关部门/分部门的额外路线图. 在与75家公司的合作下,为联合国编制了初步路线图 agri-food system, forest products sector, built environment system, and energy system. 按照我们路线图中列出的步骤,公司将为设置做好准备 science-based targets for nature,向 自然相关财务披露工作组 (TNFD)提交报告。 v.1 recommendations, and taking priority actions in line with the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 以及到2030年停止和扭转自然损失的社会目标.
自然是世界经济的支柱:所有的生意都依赖于自然. Societies cannot survive, let alone thrive, 没有自然界提供的基本功能:清洁的空气, water, food and a stable earth system to exist within.
对自然和生物多样性的持续和加速破坏是当今人类面临的最大风险之一. And it is already impacting business today. Industry value chains that are highly and moderately dependent on nature generate over half of global GDP; every industry has some degree of direct and indirect dependency on nature.
大约90%的自然压力可归因于三个社会经济系统. For that reason, 除了对所有企业的一般指导, 水务署已优先为土地使用制度(包括 agri-food system and forest products sector), built environment system (including infrastructure) and energy system.
商业有一个独特的机会来重塑与自然的关系,并接受急需的转变. 以现有努力和气候变化战略为基础, companies need to adopt an integrated approach: avoiding and reducing their impacts on nature; restoring and regenerating the state of nature; and, 改变基础系统,以解决自然损失的驱动因素.
以及日益迫切的应对需求, business-critical, nature-related risks, 企业正面临着一个迅速发展的问责制度. Policymakers, regulators, investors, 消费者和公民正在集体加大要求快速变革的呼声. 企业现在必须与自愿(如……)竞争 SBTN, TNFD) and mandatory (CSRD)的披露要求,以及全球政策格局的转变(GBF).
Integrated, 共同努力解决物质影响,并对自然产生积极影响, climate and people, 是否会为增强商业环境和整个社会的抵御能力铺平道路.
By pro-actively managing nature-related risks, 公司可以为即将到来的政策和监管要求做好准备, 确定减少负面影响的优先行动, and unlock opportunities across the value chain. 水务署与75家成员公司广泛合作,制定了“积极促进自然发展路线图”, and over 50 partner organizations. 按照路线图中的“如何做”指导,公司将能够:
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