2023年5月3日,日内瓦: 的 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 (BCTI), 一个跨部门的, multi-stakeholder coalition of leaders and their organizations convened by the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), 今天公布了其旗舰报告 解决不平等:商业行动议程. This report provides new analysis into the critical role of the private sector in addressing inequality, 以及企业必须紧急行动的有力理由.
在其报告中, the BCTI recognizes that the high level and structural nature of inequality in our world today represents a systemic risk that poses an existential threat to our society and economy. 的 BCTI identifies how inequality is eroding trust in our political and economic systems, 助长内乱和两极分化, 制约经济增长, 并削弱我们应对复杂全球挑战的集体能力.
“Today we are clearly seeing the consequences of inequality unfold around the world,” 索尔维首席执行官兼BCTI联合主席Ilham Kadri. “But inequality is not a fact of nature; it is a product of our systems and practices, 我们可以改变.”
在这样的背景下, the BCTI’s Commissioners have spent the last 18 months identifying the most powerful tools that businesses across all sectors have at their disposal to distribute value and opportunity more equitably and to head off the risks posed by mounting inequality. Recognizing that there are certain business models and practices that have contributed to widening social and economic gaps in recent decades, 在这个关键时刻, the BCTI outlines concrete actions that individual companies can take to ensure they are fulfilling their potential to help close these gaps and deliver enhanced outcomes for people. 在高层次上,这些行动是:
- 落实联合国工商业与人权指导原则
- 使基本产品和服务更容易获得和负担得起
- 创建多元化、公平和包容的工作场所和价值链
- 让人们为未来的工作做好准备
- 提供安全、可靠和充分的工作
- 支付和提高生活工资和收入
- 支持和尊重工人的代表
- 支持有效的公共政策
- 采取负责任的税务措施
- 实现向净零和自然正经济的公正过渡
他说:“这份报告呼吁商界领袖采取行动 彼得,他 总统 WBCSD首席执行官和BCTI联合主席. “它为企业采取行动解决不平等问题提供了一个清晰而令人信服的理由, 以及全面的, credible and impactful action agenda that business leaders can leverage to help build a world of opportunity for all.”
的 BCTI’s report underlines how tackling inequality helps companies to mitigate a series of compounding operational, 声誉, 监管和金融风险. It also highlights how business efforts to address inequality should be seen as crucial investments in sustained business success, 并有潜力开启重要的市场机遇.
“我们目前的经济模式让数亿人落在了后面.” Alan Jope,首席执行官 联合利华 和委员会的联合主席. “解决这种不平等将加速经济增长. 例如,仅仅支付生活工资就可以增加4美元.通过提高生产力和支出,每年为全球GDP贡献56万亿美元. 最终,当社会繁荣时,企业也会繁荣.”
的 Commission’s flagship report also lays out a sustainable business transformation framework to support companies in identifying, assessing and strategically integrating meaningful measures to address inequality-related risks and opportunities.
“Businesses can play a transformative role in tackling inequality by fashioning innovative business models that support sustainable livelihoods,” Sanjiv Puri, ITC主席和BCTI联合主席. “在国贸, our experience on the ground has underlined how imperative it is to develop inclusive value chains, 加强气候适应能力,建设面向未来的能力, 特别是对农民和农村社区.”
的 BCTI’s report highlights how corporate efforts to address inequality must be built on the twin pillars of collaboration and stakeholder engagement. Inequality is a systemic issue and therefore requires a systemic, multi-stakeholder response. 私营部门与政策制定者密切合作至关重要, 投资者, 非政府组织和其他组织推动大规模变革. 除了, any serious private sector endeavor to tackle inequality will need to be rooted in efforts to proactively engage with stakeholder groups that are, 或者可能是, 受商业活动影响, 并将他们的观点融入到商业决策中.
“Business has a powerful role to play in reducing inequality and making it possible for all people to live the kinds of lives they aspire to,” Sunny Verghese公司奥兰集团创始人兼首席执行官 集团 以及BCTI联合主席. “Olam has seen this through our efforts to improve incomes and living 标准 in smallholder farming communities. 跨行业协作, 与政府, 其他利益相关者对于为更多人提供更多机会至关重要.”
的 BCTI also emphasizes that inequality-related risks are also inextricably linked to the climate emergency and to nature loss. 地球危机正在对人类产生深远的影响, 如果不加以控制,将进一步损害人类健康, 中断对基本产品和服务的获取, 破坏生计——对我们社区中最脆弱的群体打击最大. 同时, the transition to a net-zero carbon and nature positive economy will only be successful if it is equitable and inclusive, 并为世界各地的工人和社区提供机会.
“Addressing inequality is not only a moral obligation but a business imperative to ensure long-term economic growth,L说。ynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism and Co-Chair of the BCTI. “Crucial to that growth is a just global transition to net-zero which will help address growing inequality by putting people at the center of the transition.”
的 BCTI’s Commissioners call on all business leaders to leverage the action agenda in its flagship report and to prioritize the most impactful opportunities for their organizations to drive transformative change in people’s lives.
“我们正处于商业变革的时刻, government and other organizations to work together to create a more just and equitable society for all,” 乔纳斯 撬万宝盛华集团董事长兼首席执行官、BCTI联席主席. “的 practical steps outlined in this BCTI report provide a roadmap to create a future that is better for the many, 不是少数.”
在2023年, the BCTI will be sustaining its efforts to advocate for the implementation of this action agenda – catalyzing and coordinating efforts to advance the tools, 标准, 以及能够在这一过程中支持全球商界的合作.